Conversation 1
1.Why does the woman wish to speak to the student?
A. To notify him about an award that he will be receiving
B. To offer assistance with a program he runs
C. To ask him to start a literacy program at the university
D. To learn more about his accomplishments as a volunteer
2. How does the student feel about the possibility of being mentioned in the
city newspaper?
A. He is proud that he would be able to promote his university to the public at large. B. He is excited that his literacy program would receive some publicity. C. He is confused because he does not think readers of the city newspaper would be interested
in his award. D. He is uncomfortable because he is one of several volunteers who deserve public
recognition. 3.How did the award committee become aware of the student?
A. The student submitted a description of his literacy program to the committee. B. The director of the community center recommended him for an award. C. The committee received a news release describing the literacy program. D. The student asked a committee member to volunteer for the literacy program. 4. What can be inferred about the student?
Click on 3 answers
A. He works full time at the community center. B. He enjoys helping other people
C. He is easily discouraged
D. He is persuasive. E. He is resourceful. 5.Why does the woman say this:
A. To apologize for not telling him the purpose of their meeting in advance
B. To apologize for underestimating the extent of his volunteer work
C. To ask him to clarify the meaning of his last statement
D. To indicate that she disagrees with his last statement
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